Do you believe? Have you ever thought about what faith is and what it means to believe? Are you aware that faith is humanity’s ultimate ability and that our life and the world around us depend on it? We call ourselves believers, but are we truly conscious of whom we believe in? What do we actually believe in? How do we believe? Where is this ability to believe within us?
Do you know that Jesus cares most of all that we believe in Him? Because the reality He wants to lead us into through faith surpasses all our expectations, even here on earth! Only when you believe does what Jesus promised come to pass.
Are you satisfied with your faith? What bothers you about it? What does faith bring you? What kind of faith would you like to have?
You might write down one of these sentences and reflect on it:
- I would like to believe more, but…
- My faith is (not) effective because…
Faith allows you to step into what you think doesn’t exist. You make what isn’t become reality. Faith, therefore, is the creation of a new world. An architect envisions a house, but he doesn’t have it yet. Then he draws it, but that’s not the house, just a plan. Then, workers come and build what was in his mind. That’s faith—making what you see within yourself come to life. If you don’t believe you can be holy, you will never progress in spiritual life. It’s within you, like the house is in the architect. That’s why faith is foundational, and why with faith, anything is possible.
Where is our problem?
In that we have become worldly. We believe only in the limitations of the body. When you believe in your body, in your illnesses, you become unwell. The essence of evil is to destroy every thought of goodness, of believing that you are capable of something. In spirit, you must not focus on your illness; instead, focus on health, and that project will gradually manifest in you.
What did Jesus do during His first three years of ministry?
He revealed what is within us. Jesus came to reveal humanity to humanity so that we understand what’s inside us, and simultaneously, He came to reveal what God is like. In those three years of preaching, He showed us that faith is omnipotent. If you don’t have a plan within yourself to deeply experience Jesus, to let it transform you, to make you joyful and new, then everything is in vain. Everyone who sought Jesus came with a plan: they went to Him, seeing themselves healed. Faith is transferring the infinite spiritual dimension of our soul to our finite body. That’s when miracles happen.
You are spirit and body. The spirit is limitless and always connected to God, while the body is limited, separated from God, others, and even yourself. Your body awaits orders from your spirit. What the spirit commands, the body will do. We can all become extraordinary people—saints.
That is faith—being aware of the spiritual dimension within you, the power of your spirit, the divine strength in you! At the same time, it’s crucial to acknowledge: my body is powerless, it is limited, and it cannot live without the life within me. When that life is nourished by the spirit within, it strengthens every cell, making me extraordinary.
Listen in silence and let it settle into your heart
Remind yourself again: you are a being that infinitely transcends itself. You are a being in progress, which means you can continually develop. Then, ask yourself: what is your deepest longing at this moment? Don’t let any negative experience that holds you back or fear of what others might say stop you from moving forward. Focus on what you long to believe in: goodness, health, new life…
Gather yourself before Jesus, which means: be aware that He is there with you. Just as your thoughts are present, so is Jesus with you. Share your longings and struggles with Him. This encounter happens calmly (at the level of the spirit, where the spirit rests). Surrender to the peace within yourself. Commit solely to Jesus’ presence before you. If you persist for just a few minutes, you will feel distractions and worries fall away like old clothes or armor, and God will emerge within you. Let peace, gentleness, and trust saturate you.
Visualize Jesus healing the man born blind, raising the daughter of a man who came to plead with Him, meeting the Roman centurion and, by the centurion’s faith and Jesus’ word, healing his servant. See how Jesus does what seemed impossible.
Listen to Jesus: “Your faith has saved you!” “Your faith has healed you!” “Do not fear, only believe!” “Blessed are you who have believed!” “For the one who believes, all things are possible!” His words are filled with the Holy Spirit. The word of Jesus that you accept, the Holy Spirit fulfills within you and your life. Spend at least 10–15 minutes in this vision of Jesus and listen to how He speaks directly to you… Rely on this truth: Jesus has spoken, and that is enough for me; His word is the most secure truth!
Finally, give thanks for the new certainty of life entering you through faith.